Soho Crime Impact Survey Launched! 26th October 2023 Residents tell us that crime is one of the top issues in Soho and they have good reasons to be concerned. Crime and policing are critical issues that all of us... Local News
C51 and the value of public consultations 23rd October 2023 We will continue to press the Labour Cabinet Member for Highways for due consideration to local people, schools and businesses regarding the consultation... Local News
Local MP backs community calls for more police in and around Great Peter Street, SW1 22nd October 2023 Local MP Nickie Aiken has backed calls for a greater police presence in and around Great Peter Street. The existing local police team is 50% down on official... Local News
It's time to tackle anti-social behaviour in Great Peter Street, SW1, say local people 21st October 2023 Local people, especially parents with school-age children, are very concerned about increasing anti-social behaviour, drug taking, drug dealing and drunkenness... Local News
Labour Westminster shuts its doors: development rejection signals a 'Closed for Business' stance 18th October 2023 In a surprising turn of events, Labour Councillors on Westminster Council’s Major Planning Committee have made the decision to reject a major redevelopment... Local News
St John's Wood: Concern over increase in mobile phone thefts and muggings 13th October 2023 We spoke to Westminster Councillors Ralu Oteh-Osoka (Regent's Park) and Caroline Sargent (Abbey Road) outside Beechcroft Academy earlier. The councillors are... Local News
Tackling Rubbish Services 12th October 2023 The Labour Council has pledged to provide clean streets, but we continue to hear reports about overflowing bins and dumped rubbish. To help keep Marylebone... Local News
Sussex Street Play Area update 8th October 2023 Earlier in the year, we presented a petition from local people to Westminster City Council asking for the Sussex Street play area to be converted into a... Local News
Park Lane Cycle Lane: Listen to the concerns of local people most affected 5th October 2023 The Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan imposed the Park Lane Cycle Lane on us. Yet when local people were finally given their say, the results were clear: the... Local News