The planning application to develop the current builders’ yard site at the Harrow Road roundabout into a 20-storey block to accommodate over 750 students is likely to go to Westminster’s planning committee on 8 March.
Residents will need to make a representation before that date Your local Little Venice councillors strongly object to this development on grounds that the height and bulk of the building are excessive and due to our concerns about the ability of the operator to manage so many students and prevent anti-social behaviour.
You can find more about the revised plans here or on the Council’s planning application portal. You can also use the Council’s planning portal to make an objection. Please search 21/04536/FULL here. Representations can also be submitted by sending an email quoting your full home address and reference 21/04536/FULL. Please note that as the proposals have been revised by the applicant, if you made an objection to the previous proposal, you will need to submit a new objection to the revised application, citing reasons relevant to the new proposal.