We have been pushing Thames Water hard to do more to support households following the floods last July. We have had some success and finally Thames Water have agreed to spend £10M on Flooding Local Improvement Processes (FLIPs) and Non-Return Valves. (NRVs).
They are also looking to install some devices into the sewers themselves. This will not resolve all of the issues with the lack of capacity in the system, but it will provide some reassurance and protection to flooded homes. We will continue to push for extra capacity to be built into the system as it is generally accepted that this was the biggest failure of the July floods. This is a change in their position and is a victory for the pressure that we have applied. They will finally assess every property affected by the flooding last July.
They will be writing to all customers to clarify the new position, and asking them, where they haven’t already done so, to complete and submit their flooding questionnaire.