Conservative-controlled Westminster Council is keen to support small businesses through to a full recovery. Small businesses are the lifeblood of a local community, and this is as true in Bryanston and Dorset Square Ward as anywhere else. These are some initiatives aimed at ensuring our local business can re-open safely so they may serve the community in a socially responsible way:
Local Business map: Residents can view details of local shops and take-away outlets on the Council website here; and add any missing outlets here. A full “shop local” campaign is being developed to encourage residents to buy from local shops.
Access to businesses: As social-distancing measures continue and avoidance of public transport - where feasible - is encouraged, the Council is exploring ways of providing more space for cycling and pedestrians. This is seen as essential to supporting social distancing in busy areas, and enabling employees to get to work and customers to the shops so that Westminster’s economy can fire up again. You will find updates on specific measures in the My Westminster Newsletters here.
Top-up grant fund for business: The Government has set up a top-up-grant fund for businesses, aimed at
- businesses in shared offices and flexible work spaces
- market traders
- bed-and-breakfast businesses which pay Council Tax instead of Business Rates
- charity properties.
The Council has discretion to award grants up to £10,000 to businesses that can demonstrate, alongside other criteria, a significant drop of income due to Coronavirus restriction measures.
Several other schemes are in the pipeline to help businesses get back on their feet.