We're calling on Cllr Jessica Toale MP to resign

After working for over a year on the south west coast – nearly 100 miles from the West End – Cllr Toale has been elected a Labour MP in Bournemouth West. 

Locally we’ve been losing out. Councillors are supposed to represent their local area – and there is no way someone who is working in Bournemouth can be representing our interests too. It’s simply not right. 

Here in the West End, we deserve councillors who live and work in here, who spend their time here and not focusing on a political career at the other end of the country.

Bearing in mind her new job has a salary of £91,346 and expenses of over £200,000 a year, we say that Cllr Toale should stand down from the Council now and should not claim any Councillor allowances.

Councilor Jessica Toale should resign

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Elected MPs should not serve as Councillors in different council areas

Cllr Paul Swaddle is Leader of the Conservative Group at Westminster City Council. Paul believes that elected MPs for different parts of the country should not remain as Councillors here in Westminster, and should not claim councillor allowances alongside their MP salaries of over £90,000 a year.