All three of your Conservative Little Venice councillors spoke against this application at last week’s planning committee. Members listened to residents’ objections and refused permission for the application. Thank you to all those Little Venice residents who made their voices heard on this application.
This proposed 768 room building was rejected as being too large and bulky and would result in a loss of light for residents, especially in Amilcar Cabral Court and Gilpin Close in Little Venice ward. The inadequate servicing facilities and loss of the 18 bus stop were raised by your ward councillors. It was simply the wrong building in the wrong place. Councillors also called on the Labour Mayor of London not to “call in” the application as he has done for the 5 Kingdom Street skyscraper (where he overturned Westminster’s refusal) and the Paddington Green Police Station development, which is yet to be determined. You can object to the application here.