Councillor Acton met residents recently to update them on the police patrols and investigation of the address. Council officers have helped with landlord details while police have checked on the sex workers’ welfare and continue to work on disrupting drug dealing activity.
The Police advice is that "Residents seeing crime or anti-social behaviour here in Gloucester Mews should call 999 or 101 or report via the Metropolitan Police website as it is happening.”
In addition, please continue to keep in touch with us - your local councillors Heather Acton, Ian Adams and Antonia Cox - about any concerns you have.
Together with Council Officers, we have ensured graffiti is removed in Archery Close and Bathurst Mews, checked up on street sweeping in Bathurst Street, Connaught Square, Star Street, London Mews, Junction Mews, Harbet Road and advised Devonport residents how to get their water penetration problems tackled.