A fortnight ago, Westminster Conservatives launched a petition calling on the government to introduce a registration scheme for short lets to address issues the unregulated growth of short letting has caused. Short-term lets are where homeowners rent a property or room on a nightly basis or over one or two days.
Over the course of a year, homeowners are allowed to let their property for up to 90 nights in London. An ever-increasing number of people have got in touch with their Councillors over the years to report anti-social behaviour, rubbish dumping, and noise problems linked to properties on short-term lets.
Short-term lets also impact on the supply of properties for rent in Westminster – affecting key workers and young professionals in particular.
We are calling, alongside Cities of London & Westminster MP Nickie Aiken, for the government to introduce a registration scheme for all short lets to resolve these issues.
Thank you to everyone who has already signed it. If you haven’t yet, you can do so here.
Please also share the petition with your friends and family and encourage them to sign it too!