The owners of Eagle Wharf on Grosvenor Road are planning to increase the height of their buildings to provide three luxury penthouse apartments.
Grosvenor Road is one of the most polluted roads in Westminster and the site in question is located within an ‘Air Quality Focus Area’. The site is also located opposite Tachbrook nursery school.
Residents are rightly concerned that this increase in height will limit the dispersal of dangerous fumes and particulates associated with traffic and a negative impact on noise pollution as well as loss of day-light and sunlight.
What your councillors have done so far
Local councillors and campaigners are supporting residents in the fight to get this application rejected. To date, your local Conservative councillors have:
- Called the application in. This means that this application now has to go in front of a planning committee where residents and councillors can speak in objection to the development
- Had meetings with planning officers detailing residents’ concerns and asking for the applicant to give a response to the concerns over air quality
- Demanded a full Air Quality Impact Assessment, as the application, whilst not a major development falls within an Air Quality Focus Area.
- Launched a petition against the application - which you can sign below.