We have now collected many signatures to support saving Queensway's Post Office and we continue to do so.
Cllr Burbridge has been working behind the scenes with the help of two local residents talking to the Council's Planning team, Postmasters and Developers to try to come up with a solution.
This week we hope the developers will get around a table for further talks to discuss serious solutions. Some alternative premises have been put forward and these are being considered. The Post Office's needs are clear; including a reasonable rent. It is important to keep the pressure up so we can show the strength of support there is in the community to keep the existing Post Office open or close by once the development starts on Queensway Parade.
We are ever hopeful that the developers are as good as their word and as eager as we are to find a way through. But time will tell and until then we want to keep the pressure on with more signatures to show the strength of community feeling.