There has been an increase in dumping of rubbish across south Pimlico. Our street cleaners are reporting more cases of fly-tipping.
Our estate maintenance staff are spending great deal of time and effort disposing of household waste and garbage that’s been dumped outside bins or thrown away on the streets.
Materials that can be recycled are being chucked away, whilst recycling bins are often contaminated with objects that cannot be recycled. Your local Conservative councillors and activists are working hard to tackle these problems.
We carry out regular patrols across our communities and report instances of fly-tipping and dumping to the Council’s street cleaning crews. We have successfully lobbied Westminster Council to get food-waste bins installed in south Pimlico. We collaborate closely with City Inspectors and local housing services to maintain the highest standards of environmental health.
However, it is important that the whole community takes responsibility and helps keep our neighbourhoods clean. Contact us or visit the Council’s website for more information here.