Following a series of break-ins to a number of narrow boats on the Little Venice canal, Cllr Caplan organised a meeting with the local police and the Canal and River Trust. This was preceded by a walkabout along the canal to review the security of the site.
It was agreed to form a Neighbourhood Watch for the residents who lived on the canal (Boat Watch) and a representative would be invited to attend the neighbourhood police quarterly meeting (this has already started). The exchange of information in the neighbourhood was something that all of the boat owners welcomed and had already found very useful.
It was also agreed to set up a quarterly review meeting with the Canal and River Trust to continue discussions of what measures could be taken to improve matters along the towpath and the canal itself.
The first areas that will be pursued are lighting and repairs to some of the gates. The issue of the behaviour of the “Go Boats” (power boats rented by the hour) was also something that was agreed to be looked at due to a number of incidents that had occurred on the canal with damage being caused to a number of residents’ boats.
Cllr Caplan said “I’m pleased that by bringing everyone together that a number of positive initiatives have been agreed that will benefit the narrow boat owners as well as all local users of the canal and towpath.”