Residents’ parking is a significant issue for many people across Little Venice and consideration for our neighbours is important. This means that, although double parking is allowed outside controlled hours in some of our wider streets, it is not allowed where this obstructs and prevents vehicles from getting out of their spaces. Residents have asked us and we have agreed to seek additional parking marshals to deal with this issue particularly around Randolph Avenue.
We have also been working with our city inspector to stop builders occupying residents parking spaces without first obtaining trade permits to do so. Two recent incidents occurred in Randolph Avenue and Warrington Crescent and the cones and ‘barriers’ that had been placed by the builders were quickly removed and they were advised what needed to be done if they needed to use residents’ parking bays.
Finally, we have been responding to resident enquiries regarding dedicated electric vehicle charging bays. A number of bays on Clifton Gardens are regularly occupied by the same vehicles and we have asked parking marshals to enforce the 4-hour limit for electric vehicle charging.