Yesterday, Cllr Nickie Aiken, Leader of Westminster City Council unveiled Westminster Conservatives’ plans for the next four years.
In a speech to community leaders and stakeholders, Cllr Aiken outlined Westminster Conservatives’ ambition to cement Westminster as a “City for All” that live, work and visit it.
After thanking the residents of Westminster for placing their trust in the Conservatives to run the City for another four years Cllr Aiken announced,
“We will be a city which is healthier and greener. A city, led by a council which listens to the community. And a council not afraid to take tough decisions to stand up for our city. And a council which takes action and delivers.”
She continued, “we are building a city with more and better-quality housing, safer streets, cleaner air, better outdoor space. It is going to be a more family-friendly city, as well as a business-friendly city: in short, a City for All.”
Cllr Aiken also spoke of “a new era of openness” including putting local residents and businesses at the heart of the planning process.
On opening up the planning process Cllr Aiken said, “When I became Leader of this council, I took care to listen to criticism that people made to me about planning in Westminster. The perception was that the planning system was not working for people, but for developers. Such as perception is bad for everyone.”
Cllr Aiken continued “I want us to be a council which works in partnership with residents and businesses to find balance for our city. A council which takes decisions not according to narrow rulebooks, but according to whether it meets the strategic needs of the city and its residents. A council which gives a platform to local people who wish to express their view and where developers and residents alike have confidence that our planning decisions are open and transparent.”
Westminster Conservatives retained control of the City Council by winning 41 of the 60 seats contested in May’s local elections.
If you would like to see the details of Westminster Conservatives plans for the City please click here.
You can also read a full transcript of Cllr Aiken’s speech here.