From Monday 1st June, drivers who refuse to turn off their engine could be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of £20 to help improve London's air quality.
Marshals have been approaching motorists who unnecessarily keep their engines running while their vehicle is stationary and requesting that they turn them off. Activity over the last three months identified the following hotspots:
- Buckingham Gate
- Exhibition Road
- Ebury Bridge Road
- Queensway
- Temple Place
- Park Lane
- Park Road
- Fernhead Road
- North Row
- Kensington Gore
- Prince Consort Road
- Elizabeth Bridge
Councillor Heather Acton said: "vehicles With engines idling on Westminster’s roads contribute to air pollution, have a detrimental impact on health, are a noise annoyance, and waste fuel. The Fixed Penalty Notices will be a last resort and our piloting work has shown that the vast majority of drivers comply which will help us reduce pollution in Westminster."