Living in London is expensive. We know that people are finding it hard to keep up with the cost of living. Now is not the time to raise Council Tax.
That is why your Conservative-led Council has frozen Council Tax for the next twelve months. This means ratepayers in Westminster will continue to pay the lowest Council Tax in the UK.
Unfortunately, Westminster Conservatives cannot control the Mayor of London’s share of your Council Tax bill. Labour’s Sadiq Khan has chosen to increase his part of your Council Tax bill by an inflation-busting 8.8%. Since being elected in 2016, he has raised his part of Council Tax by 43.3%. That’s over an extra third on top of your bill.
Simply put, Labour administrations cost more and deliver less. In neighbouring Camden and Brent, Labour-controlled councils charge more than twice as much as Westminster does. Labour-controlled Lambeth’s Council Tax rate is not far behind. Many people living in Camden and Brent have their rubbish collected just once every two weeks. In Westminster, rubbish is collected at least twice a week while you pay half as much Council Tax.
It’s not only clean streets and regular rubbish collections that offer good value for money in Westminster; our children’s services are ranked outstanding by Ofsted, we spend more per person than any other local authority on our libraries and we have the highest number of electric vehicle-charging points in the country. All for just over £2 a day on average per household.
Conservative Westminster City Council continues combine providing some of the best local services in the UK with our country’s lowest Council Tax rate.
Supporting those on low incomes
In these tough times, we are very aware that even £2 a day is too much for some families. That’s why Westminster has some of the most generous Council Tax support in the country.
14% of people living in our City pay no Council Tax at all across our City.
You can find out more about the support Conservative-run Westminster City Council provides, including the qualifications to apply for it here.
Voluntary Council Tax Contribution
We also realise that some people can afford to pay more and want to contribute to helping others in our City.
That’s why Conservative–run Westminster City Council was the first local authority to introduce a Voluntary Community Contribution Initiative which has raised millions to tackle homelessness, social isolation and to support young people across Westminster.
You can find out more about how the money raised by the initiative has been spent here.