Conservative-led Westminster City Council’s Children’s Services have been given an ‘Outstanding’ rating by Ofsted in every category they assess.
The services, provided in conjunction with The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, its teams and leadership were all highly praised. Ofsted recognised that services have improved since its last inspection in 2016.
Ofsted described the quality of Children’s Services work across both local authorities as, “exceptionally high, strongly focused on improving children’s circumstances and highly empowering and enabling for parents and carers.” The long-term impact of Westminster City Council’s work was singled out for praise.
The Conservative Councils are the first local authorities to sustain an ‘outstanding’ rating. The rating is currently held by two other Councils (Hampshire and North Yorkshire) across the UK.
Responding to the report, Councillor Heather Acton, Westminster City Council Cabinet Member for Family Services, said:
“We are proud of our excellent services for children and young people across Westminster – and this Ofsted report gives the highest possible praise for our rigorous and innovative approach. Credit must go to our amazing officers and also to our partners.
“The inspectors state that they saw the way we work with our partners and use resources effectively to ensure that we get the best results possible.
“I am really delighted to see as well that they were impressed by the way we are not afraid to try new ideas to improve services.”
Mark Field, Member of Parliament for the Cities of London & Westminster, also congratulated the hard work of the Conservative-led Council, “It’s fantastic to hear that Westminster City Council’s Children’s Services have once again been rated as outstanding across the board by Ofsted.
My congratulations to everyone at the Council whose dedication to the vulnerable children of Westminster and their families has deservedly been recognised. Your hard work and innovative approach to improving the lives of less fortunate children has given so many of them a brighter future than they might have imagined. Very well done and thoroughly deserved”