Westminster Bridge has long been a hotspot for illegal activities targeting vulnerable tourists. As well as criminal gangs operating fraudulent gambling games, illegal street traders sell potentially harmful food and illicit goods. These activities often lead to congestion on the bridge’s pavements making it dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists.
As the bridge is a Transport for London “Red Route” parking is enforced by TfL, however ice cream vans, hot nut sellers and any illegal street trading is enforced by the Council’s City Inspectors on the Westminster’s half of the bridge. Until recently Westminster had a memorandum of understanding with Lambeth Council that allowed Westminster’s inspectors to enforce against illegal trading across the whole bridge. It is hoped that a new memorandum will be signed soon.
The fraudulent gambling games are subject to a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which gives the Council’s City Inspectors and police Safer Neighbourhood Team additional powers to disrupt the games. The current PSPO is due to expire in December. Your local councillors are supporting its renewal. If you observe the illegal activities and their impact on bridge users, please contact us with the details so that you can join us in making the case for the renewal of the PSPO.