One issue on which we get regular complaints is the operation of parking suspensions. As parking is important for our residents, we decided to check Westminster City Council’s policy on your behalf.
WCC carried out an extensive review of its kerbside permissions and fees in 2015, and this led to the implementation of a pricing mechanism. This was designed to discourage and deter unnecessary suspensions, reduce the number of suspensions taken out of commission and, where a suspension must take place, to reduce the length of time for which the bay is suspended.
Where a large-scale suspension results in the loss of 20 or more resident bays, it is WCC's policy to provide alternative parking provision for residents by suspending Pay to Park bays, to compensate for the loss. For suspensions of less than 20 spaces, they will consider requests to provide alternative provision, particularly in areas with already heavy demands on Residents’ parking spaces.
They have a dedicated on-street team who actively review suspensions and also engage with large companies, such as FM Conway, to ensure any scheduled works are completed on time, so that resident bays are returned to normal service as soon as possible, especially where the suspensions are not required.
If you want to contact the Parking Services Customer Relations team, you can reach them at [email protected], or on 0207 641 1743.