There is increasing concern about the effects of nitrogen oxide and poisonous particulate-emissions on the lungs of those who live and work in Central London, especially small children, whose lung-capacity has been shown to be reduced by 8% compared with children growing up in a less-polluted environment.
Vehicle-emissions have risen to the top of the reform-agenda for most people who live and work in Central London; and yet it is still difficult for any sane, concerned person to approach drivers in idling vehicles and ask them if they’d mind turning their engines off.
It gets much easier if you’re in a group, with tabards and logos announcing that you’re part of a volunteer Anti-idling Day. The organisation: idlingaction.london/#noidling has been holding training-days for councillors and volunteers, to prepare us to engage with drivers who have been stationary at the kerb for more than 60 seconds without turning their engines off. The campaign has also prepared some delightful educational ‘Snakes and Ladders’ games, stickers and leaflets, which volunteers can give away to drivers who are interested.
Our next anti-idling day in Marylebone will be on Friday, 21st October. If you are interested in helping us with our Clean Air campaign, please go to www.idlingaction.london to find out more. For safety-reasons, we do ask that all volunteers attend a training-course before sallying forth, and that no-one goes out campaigning on their own.