Sadly we continue to see an increase in the number of rough sleepers on our streets. Westminster attracts more than the next four boroughs combined. Being the “capital of the capital” has always meant more people bedding down on our streets. Only 3% of those sleeping rough have a connection to Westminster, the rest coming from across London, UK and across the world. Approximately two thirds tend to be from Eastern Europe who have travelled here looking for work.
On any given night Westminster has around 30 people working with rough sleepers and persuade them to come indoors and seek help. We spend £6.5m a year on rough sleeping services, more than any other local authority in UK. We do have a route off the street for anyone who wants to turn their lives around, reconnect with family and friends and even return home.
To ensure we all can play our part in helping support the most vulnerable in our society Westminster City Council has just launched its new Chat, App, Tap campaign.
We want to assure you that there is a huge amount of work going on to help rough sleepers and you can play your part by letting us know of anyone you are concerned about and can donate using your contactless card to give £3 directly to Homeless charities working in this area via TAP London giving points. The money raised provides long-term care and support for those wanting to turn their lives around. For more information please click here.