Many of you will have noticed the grim looking boarded up 80’s building, Stockley House, as you come out of Victoria station towards Pimlico.
It needn’t be like this. The site of Stockley House was granted planning permission by the Conservative led Westminster Council in 2015 for a new 15 storey building. The owners though, decided not to build the building they had used up so much council time and money putting through the planning system and are instead, trying their luck with a far taller 23 storey building, five meters taller than the Nova Building, that would dwarf Pimlico.
The planning application for the new tower was submitted on 16th March 2022 and is open to comments online at www.westmister.gov.uk. The developer hired a firm to consult with local people on their behalf and received strong feedback that the building is too tall.
Ed Pitt Ford says, “We live in a democracy where everybody should be heard, not consulted as a tick box exercise and then ignored.”
We call on the owner to listen to local people, save us from another five years of walking past this grim monstrosity and to build the building that they already have the planning permission to build. We encourage everyone in the local area to comment on the application on the council’s website.