Westminster City Councillors have been working with Nickie Aiken MP on a campaign to call for stronger powers for the Council to be able to hold rogue short-term landlords to account.
We know this is a widespread problem across Westminster.
While most landlords operate responsibly, it needs to be made easier to enforce against those who break the rules, causing problems for their neighbours.
A number of properties are being let out over the 90-day limit as landlords look to maximise their income. As a result, the supply of long-term rental properties in our City is being reduced, forcing up the cost of renting.
Cllr Rachael Robathan is the Conservative Leader of Westminster City Council. She explains,
"I have had so many cases raised with me of problems with dumped rubbish, anti-social behaviour and even raves in the street which have had to be broken up by police. We know how much this impacts residents so we are calling for a full registration system and stronger powers so we can act where necessary."
Local community activists from across Westminster recently joined Cllr Robathan and Nickie Aiken MP in submitting a parliamentary petition to the Prime Minister calling for a registration scheme for shorts lets to be implemented.