A rogue landlord charging £1,000 tenants a month to live in a “death trap” has been fined a record £214,000 following action by Conservative-run Westminster City Council, and is one of many recent successful prosecutions of rogue landlords.
Inspectors found a dangerous electric cooker hob with a deadly exposed live cable which had been joined together with tape. The second-floor balcony in a property in Bayswater was rotten and could have collapsed.
Cllr Antonia Cox, Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Licensing, said: “This landlord endangered his tenants’ lives through a complete disregard for their health and wellbeing. His tenants paid rent to live in what amounted to a death-trap.
“This case should be a warning to rogue landlords that Westminster City Council will ensure they pay heavily for housing people in poor conditions.”