Westminster needs more homes, this is why your Conservative run council has an ambitious plan to build 2000 new homes in our city.
These new homes are going to provide genuine affordable housing for Westminster’s families, meaning more workers will not be priced out of living in our city.
Our plans will also increase the number of intermediate housing as well. This is housing for working families who earn a reasonable amount still find the cost of living in central London expensive such as teachers and nurses.
We are also committed to increasing the number of social housing as well, meaning we can get more and more families off the housing waiting list, providing them with security of decent home.
Since the last local election, Conservative run Westminster has ramped up the progress on major developments to get these new homes built. We’ve made great strides with the developments at Ebury Bridge and Church street and both projects set to provide hundreds of new homes.
What’s more, we’re also reviewing our planning rules to make it easier for families to reasonably extend their homes as their families expand rather than leave our city.
Housing remains a huge issue not just for Westminster but for the whole of London, and your City Council is committed to providing more homes for all.