Foster carers who are Westminster residents can have their council tax paid while they have a child in their care, thanks to Westminster Conservatives prioritising support for those who provide support for our children and young people.
Cllr Danny Chalkley said: “Foster carers play a vital role in our communities providing loving and supportive homes for our children and young people. This additional allowance aims to help ease financial pressure, show our appreciation for the work they do, and encourage more people to consider taking the first step to becoming a foster carer. It’s just one example of how Westminster Conservatives are supporting some of the most vulnerable people in London.”
The new allowance - which means Westminster resident foster carers can now save up to £1,345 a year - applies to existing foster carers as well as any new carers recruited in the future. It is just one of the many allowances available to foster carers to enable them to have the financial support to care for the child or young person placed with them.
Information about foster caring in Westminster and how to claim