People who leave their rubbish on the street, ignore waste collection times and dump items around big black bins are now likely to receive £200 fines.
Fixed penalty notices between for household waste will include a £200 fine for a first offence, rising to £400 for a second offence. For trade and business waste a £400 fine can be levied followed by prosecution for continued dumping.
Councillor Nickie Aiken, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Leader Elect said: “We have one of the best cleansing services in the country and we hope that these new fines send a strong message to the minority who think it is acceptable to fly tip and ignore our bins and collections that this behaviour will not be tolerated.”
Westminster City Council offers various ways old items can be safely and easily disposed of, ranging from ‘Restart’ events for electronics to mobile recycling centres and big black bins. For bulkier items a bulk waste collection service is available, with the option to take large household items to the waste recycling centre at Smuggler’s Way.
During a three-day operation in the autumn of 2016 over 71 fines were issued, with offenders having to pay £80 for illegally dumping their rubbish.
Councillor Aiken said: “Our residents regularly complain about others who choose to dump their rubbish illegally. The vast majority of our residents and businesses are determined to keep their streets and neighbourhoods clean and we are working with them to create a cleaner greener city for all.”