The works are about to commence on the Council’s flagship Darwin House sheltered housing project at Churchill Gardens, SW1. Once completed it will provide 34 modern community-supported homes, replacing all the current studio flats with high-quality one-bedroom dwellings, effectively doubling living space and creating additional units.
In December last year, the Construction Liaison Group was set up, bringing together local residents with Council officers and contractors. The Group will work to provide effective voice and representation to the local community, and ensure that Darwin House development adheres to the standards agreed with the Council.
Cllr Murad Gassanly, said:
“I am very happy with the progress at Darwin House so far and welcome the creation of the Construction Liaison Group. It will give residents in Churchill Gardens a strong voice now that the works are about to begin. Issues around noise and the wider impact of construction will need to be prioritised. I will continue engaging with neighbours, Council officers and contractors to ensure minimum disruption to the life of our estate.”