We are all aware of the continuing difficult period that is being experienced by everyone across Westminster. I want to assure you that your local councillors will continue to provide whatever support or advice is needed in the coming weeks.
Many of you are contacting us, often with offers of help, for which we are very grateful. If you need our assistance, or have concerns about a vulnerable neighbour or relative, then do get in touch by e-mailing the Westminster Connects Team or by calling on the new dedicated phone line 020 7641 1222 from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week.
Council Services
Some council services are no longer being delivered with libraries, leisure centres and playgrounds closing following government advice. Adult social care services are operating at near normal levels ensuring that our most vulnerable residents get the support that they need. If you are concerned about anyone who you think requires care and support email the Council's Adult Social Care team.
Our refuse collection and street cleaning services are also currently operating normally. Resources are being moved around the city as more people are working from home in the residential areas of the city.
Please keep up-to-date on what Council services are affected by visiting the Council's website, which is being updated on a very regular basis with the latest information. The front page of the website has had a major makeover to signpost people to everything related to COVID-19.
Supporting our NHS
The council has introduced a scheme to allow NHS workers and care workers to park for free on our pay by phone bays throughout the city for any period of time. They just need to show appropriate NHS credentials on their windscreen.
We are also allowing other key workers the same concession and they need to make a request providing their details to the Approval Team.
Volunteer through Westminster Connects
The Council has received many offers of help from individual and local groups. We have created Westminster Connects to enable people who want to help to let us know and those who need help can request it.
We now have over 1,400 people who have volunteered to help and many organisations which cover the city which are listed on our website.
Anyone who wants to help should register via the online form.
Anyone that needs help should email Westminster Connects or call the new dedicated phone line on 020 7641 1222.
Support for Businesses
The Council held a meeting with the major land and property owners in the city to develop a co-ordinated response on how we can further support our local businesses. The Council has announced a three-month rent-free period for its commercial property tenants that are unable to open their businesses. The Council is also giving a rent free period to its market and street traders. We are encouraging other landlords to make the same offer and we are pleased that, following our meeting, a number of them are matching the Council’s approach. The Council will continue to push other landlords to do the same.
Working Together
Your local councillors are there to support everyone in the community and, by working together, we will get through this. Please don’t hesitate to contact us during this period. We will do all that we can to help you and your neighbours.
Cllr Rachael Robathan
020 7730 8181