We spoke with Anna Askew and Iain Bott, who are standing for election on Thursday 5 May, alongside Henry Shelford. Anna and Iain explain the Conservative-led Council's record on environmental matters.
We're here in the Bayswater Ward, standing as candidates. And really, really proud of the council's record in terms of what we've done so far.
We have some of the cleanest streets in the borough. You can see the sign here.
We have three waste collections every week. Our neighbouring borough has only one every two weeks. Westminster has a phenomenal record in that area.
And we as Conservatives will fight to retain the cleanliness and the greenness of Bayswater Ward.
We will champion more charging points in the Ward and do everything we can to ensure it's as inhabitable as possible and a desirable place for the local community to live.
You can find out more at www.westminsterconservatives.com/bayswater